Resource Hub

Displaying 1 to 30 of 148

Addressing Trauma Adversity

Addressing Trauma Adversity

Wed, 24 Jul 2024

Youth Endowment Fund

Youth Endowment Fund

Wed, 24 Jul 2024

YEF Toolkit an overview of existing research on approaches to preventing serious youth violence

Using PACE in School

Wed, 24 Jul 2024

Using PACE in School

Becoming a Trauma Sensitive School

Becoming a Trauma Sensitive School!

  • This simple worksheet may help your pupils to express their feelings and understand what may have triggered them.

guidelines to support disabled children to be more active (PNG, 34 Kb, 960x640)

  • New guidelines to support disabled children and young people to be more active
  • Guidelines advise 20 minutes of exercise per day and strength and balance activity 3 times a week
  • Supports wider work to tackle health disparities across the UK helping everyone lead healthier, happier lives

New activity cards deliver inclusive, challenging, and fun PE sessions

Activity Alliance and partners release series of inclusive PE activity cards for teachers and school staff. The cards are jam-packed with fun games and activities, and support teachers to ensure their PE sessions are inclusive and accessible for all school pupils.

Public Health England: Guidance on supporting resilience and wellbeing for children and young people.

Public Health England: Guidance on supporting resilience and wellbeing for children and young people which can be used for policy planning.

Crisis Tools - The tools to help you support young people in crisis.

Improve your confidence, knowledge and skills in supporting young people in crisis. Created by young people working in partnership with mental health experts. Short, accessible video guides and text resources. All for free.

Start A Conversation

Start A Conversation

Tue, 28 May 2024

Start a Conversation aims to raise awareness of suicide and signpost to support that is available.

Mindfulness in Schools Project

Mindfulness in Schools is a charity whose aim is to encourage, support and research the teaching of secular mindfulness in schools.

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust

This website provides resources on young people's mental health for parents and professionals, including guidance on supporting student mental health during GCSE exams and a wellbeing Action Plan for use with students.

Barnardos 7 things you need to know about grief

A factsheet from Barnardos to help parents, carers and their children to understand and process grief.

Guide to Winston's Wish Example Bereavement Policy (PDF, 410 Kb)

Guide to the Winston's Wish example bereavement policy for educational settings.

Winston's Wish Example Bereavement Policy Template (Unknown Binary Data, 61 Kb)

An example bereavement policy template by Winston's Wish in partnership with NAHT.

Child Bereavement UK: Resources for Staff

Information, resources and guides to support schools with primary aged children who have experienced bereavement.

Winston's Wish THUNKS

Winston's Wish THUNKS

Thu, 9 May 2024

Resources to engage in conversations with children designed to open up thinking and discussion around the topics of death, grief and bereavement.