Resource Hub

Displaying 1 to 28 of 28



Tue, 7 May 2024

  • NSPCC information and advice on how to keep children safe and aware of the risks with underage drinking.

Talk about alcohol

Talk about alcohol

Tue, 7 May 2024



Tue, 7 May 2024

Drug advice for schools (PDF, 269 Kb)

Drug advice for schools

Tue, 7 May 2024

  • The Department for Education have created a guidance document, drug advice for schools, which you can view below.

Professional Information network (PIN)

  • Professional Information network (PIN) is a drug alert system organised for people working together from Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. There asking local services/groups/ educational establishments to sign up. See information below on how to become a member and receive information notices/alerts...

Cannabis edibles

Tue, 7 May 2024

  • Cannabis edibles - information below for educational professionals around what are edibles, what do they look like, how do people purchase Cannabis edibles, what are the risks and what support is available.

Information and advice on how to keep children safe and aware of the risks. (PNG, 68 Kb, 2560x616)

  • NSPCC information and advice on how to keep children safe and aware of the risks.

Coping with Self-Harm - A Guide for Parents and Carers

Developed by researchers at the University of Oxford, this guide includes information on the nature and causes of self-harm and how to support a young person for parents and carers.

Understanding Child Self-Harm

This webpage provides advice to help understand why children and teenagers self-harm, and what you can do to support them.



Fri, 3 May 2024

Food Checklist For Headteachers

  • Checklist for headteachers: to help improve school food culture and increase the take up of school dinners.
  • This is a checklist of successful actions for schools. It includes specific actions that improve school food culture and increase take-up of school dinners.

School food standards practical guide



Fri, 3 May 2024

Managing Self-Harm Guidance and Toolkit (PDF, 3.4 Mb)

This practical guidance and toolkit on managing self-harm was produced for schools in Cornwall, but it brings together a variety of information on self-harm including the signs, assessing risk and signposting to more advice.

Understanding Self-Harm in Children and Young People

Understanding Self-Harm in Children and Young People

Fri, 3 May 2024

Leicestershire Educational Psychology Service

Leicestershire Educational Psychology Service: A bitesize video lasting 8 minutes providing an introductory understanding of self-harm in children and young people. It aims to provide information on why children or young people may self-harm and ways of supporting self-harm behaviour through finding...

Young People Who Self-Harm

Young People Who Self-Harm

Fri, 3 May 2024

University of Oxford

The Centre for Suicide Research together with colleagues has produced a new resource on Self-harm for School Staff - 'Young people who self-harm: A guide for school staff.'

Leicestershire Healthy Schools (JPEG, 87 Kb, 400x400)

  • The Leicestershire Healthy Schools Team have created guidance to support schools to develop their own Physical Activity Policy. Please find the document below.

New guidelines to support disabled children to be more active! (PNG, 39 Kb, 610x406)

UK's Chief Medical Officers publish first ever guidelines on physical activity for disabled children and young people.

  • New guidelines to support disabled children and young people to be more active
  • Guidelines advise 20 minutes of...

PE and sport premium for primary schools (PNG, 39 Kb, 610x406)

What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity? (PNG, 39 Kb, 610x406)

Information about Self-Harm

This webpage provides a range of information on identifying the signs of self-harm, risky behaviour, and top tips.

DfE mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff

Useful links and sources of mental health support for children and young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff to get the advice and help they need.