Leicestershire Health Related Behaviour (SHEU) Survey Spring/Summer 2024
Posted: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 09:41
Leicestershire Health Related Behaviour Survey
Leicestershire Public Health are seeking your support to undertake a health-related behaviour survey to collect data on children's health and wellbeing through an anonymous school-based survey. The survey will ask a series of validated questions about the health experiences of individual children in year 4 and year 6 in primary schools and year 8 and 10 in secondary schools regarding their wellbeing, physical activity, healthy eating, school and learning.
We will provide guidance on how to conduct the session and the school will get a full report on the survey outcome. The plan is to carry this out during the summer term 2024.
Schools can use the data to inform their planning for the following academic year.
What we would need from schools
We would require one lesson to complete the survey. This could be a PSHE lesson or a Tutor time session. The survey will be online and will take approximately an hour. With it being online some schools have extended the survey to other year groups and this is fine too, however, for schools wishing to do a paper survey we can only offer year 4, 6, 8 and year 10.
Laptops and tablets can be used if they have access to the internet. As it is online the survey it can be carried out in one or two sittings. We will provide guidance on how to conduct the session and the school will get a full report on the survey outcome. The plan is to carry this out during the summer term 2024.
Schools can use the data to inform their planning for the following academic year. The results are generated almost immediately as it is an online survey.
How will the information be used?
We would like to understand the health and wellbeing needs of children and young people in the county. Information gained will help ensure services are appropriate and help our children to improve their health and wellbeing. The information is also a valuable source of evidence for school improvement work and is valued as evidence for OFSTED.
Public Health is working with the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU) who have much experience and deliver surveys in hundreds of schools each year. You can find out more on the SHEU website. The SHEU will provide a briefing for participating schools on undertaking the survey. This will provide advice and guidance in delivering the session to children and to answer any questions you may have. A link to the full survey will be available soon.
Example reports from the survey can also be found on the reports page on the SHEU website.
How to sign up
As you will appreciate, we need to confirm if schools are happy to be involved as soon as possible. Please sign up on the SHEU website.
There will be a training session on Thursday 23rd May, 3.30pm (for approx. 45 minutes) for school leads to understand what they will need to do to carry out the survey in their schools
Schools can still sign up as long as they are able to complete the survey by the end of the summer term 2024.
Any questions or queries, please contact HealthySchools@leics.gov.uk.