Developing Trauma Informed Practice (Tier 2A)

Date: Thu, 29th Sep 2022 - Wed, 29th Mar 2023
Venue: Online
Developing Trauma Informed Practice (Tier 2A)
This module builds on the key messages and content of the tier 1 "Introduction to Childhood Adversity and Trauma Informed Practice" Webinar session. We will take a deeper look at the form's trauma can take so we can be trauma informed in our day-to-day roles. It will also help you to develop your understanding of the ethical implications of trauma informed practice.
Within this session we explore what trauma informed practice looks, sounds, and feels like within different roles. We use theoretical models and ideas to develop a deeper understanding of trauma and how this can impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. We look at how theories can inform our practice and how they can help use them to create a trauma informed toolkit we can use within our roles.
Session Aims:
- To develop understanding of the theory and concepts behind the potential impact of ACEs and trauma across the life course.
- To look at how trauma responsive theories can help inform our practise and responses to situations.
- To gain a basic understanding into how individuals and organisation can begin a journey towards a trauma-informed culture.
This webinar discusses trauma. Trauma can be a multisensory experience, it can happen to anyone at any point in their lives, it may leave us with unexpected moments of overwhelm. During this training we try to make it as safe as possible and provide you with take care warnings throughout and offer emotional regulation techniques.
This webinar is part of a programme of training being provided by the Trauma Informed Partnership for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This partnership is between the Violence Reduction Network (VRN) and Barnardo's. This session is for anyone living or working within Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland with an interest in developing Trauma informed Practice within their role.
Whilst we do like to see faces on screen if you prefer to keep your camera off that is your choice which we respect. We will provide opportunities for you to participate to help embed the learning, this will be through the chat function on the platform that we are using, the opportunity to unmute if you would like to and
We do not use breakout rooms in this training.
Please note If you are attending the 9.30 -3pm session of training it includes a 30 minute lunch break
Multiple sessions offered between Thurs 29th September, 09:30-15:00 and Weds 29th March, 09:30-15:00.
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